Episode 12

The Story Behind South Bend's East Race Waterway (Former South Bend Mayor Roger Parent)

Published on: 16th July, 2023

In this episode, former South Bend Mayor Roger Parent, who was mayor at the time the East Race Waterway was built in the early 1980s, joins me and shares his memories of what it was like to collaboratively accomplish building something that literally was the first in North America. 

You’ll learn that the East Race has not always looked like the one we know now. Originally built in 1843 to power industry, but by the 1950s it was a public hazard no longer in use and the city filled it in. The area was filthy, undesirable, and attracted vagrants. The East Race that we know now was built in the early 1980s and at that time, there was quite an amount of community drama for AND against the building of a whitewater kayak course flowing through a downtown area.  

Thank you Roger Parent for sharing your memories!

Folks: Check out Roger's new book (and others) on his website! https://rogerparent.org/

Check out our new You Tube channel! Be sure to like and subscribe! Narrated videos of some of the locations that are discussed in the episodes will be posted! Link below!

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For current & historical pictures and commentary on the South Bend & Mishawaka area, follow @roundthebend574 on Twitter.

Lastly, as I mentioned in the episode, be sure to share Round the Bend Now and Then with somebody who you think will appreciate it!

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Round the Bend Now and Then
Local history nerd Matt Emery strives to tell the story of South Bend and Mishawaka through interviews with local leaders, business owners and community members. Learn how intertwined the South Bend and Mishawaka area's past is to our present.
Our episodes are available on all popular podcast apps (Apple, Spotify, etc.).

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For current and historic pictures and commentary on the South Bend and Mishawaka area, also follow https://twitter.com/roundthebend574 on Twitter!

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Memery .