Episode 10

Better Homes of South Bend: An American Story of Courage

Published on: 2nd July, 2023

In this episode, I meet with author Gabrielle Robinson and we discuss the story behind her book, Better Homes of South Bend: An American Story of Courage.

The book's description, says it all:

"In 1950, a group of African American workers at the Studebaker factory in South Bend met in secret. Their mission was to build homes away from the factories and slums where they were forced to live. They came from the South to make a better life for themselves and their children, but they found Jim Crow in the North as well. The meeting gave birth to Better Homes of South Bend, and a triumph against the entrenched racism of the times took all their courage, intelligence and perseverance." 

We discuss Gabrielle's journey writing the book including discussing the many people that she formed relationships with along the way. It's truly an amazing story of a group of people who were determined to not let discriminatory housing practices in stand in their way.

Be sure to purchase and read the book! Gabrielle so beautifully paints a picture of the times. Website: https://www.gabriellerobinson.com/better-homes-of-south-bend

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Lastly, as I mentioned in the episode, be sure to share Round the Bend Now and Then with somebody who you think will appreciate it!

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Round the Bend Now and Then
Local history nerd Matt Emery strives to tell the story of South Bend and Mishawaka through interviews with local leaders, business owners and community members. Learn how intertwined the South Bend and Mishawaka area's past is to our present.
Our episodes are available on all popular podcast apps (Apple, Spotify, etc.).

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For current and historic pictures and commentary on the South Bend and Mishawaka area, also follow https://twitter.com/roundthebend574 on Twitter!

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Memery .